Sunday, April 03, 2005

In the beginning

I am at the edge of the world in a place where spiritist rule, movie stars shine, and Jesus is not very popular (only around 3 percent of the population attend church here). In all, this has been a great journey for me. Sometimes I feel as though I'm in another planet. God is very much alive and moving to bring light here! I have been here since August 8, 2004. My family is still at large in Adrian, Michigan. The greatest struggle has been one of loneliness. It is hard to believe that in the midst of 20 million people, your soul can rot from the yearning to connect meaningfully to another human being. At the same time, I have seen small groups become families in such circumstance. To create a family here in L.A. is a ministry in itself.

So God has me in this time of waiting. Waiting for our house to sell, waiting for another time with my family (I get home every two months), and waiting to see what great things God has in store for us ahead. I'm learning that sometimes God has to put us in the lonely places of waiting to help us to see ourselves more clearly.

So here is my blog to help you keep up with what is going one here at the "end of the world."

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Westside Vineyard Posted by Hello
This is the Westside Vineyard. It is located only a few miles from Venice Beach. It is also near the crossroads of Venice and the 405 Freeway. The church started in Santa Monica, California by Ken Guliksen in the early 1974. They felt lead to name the church The Vineyard. Little did they know that the church would be the first of a whole movement that would spread around the world. Yep, this was the first Vineyard Church in the country. God has used this church to emerge some cool things. Keith Green would be converted here and sent out in ministry and Living Waters whould have its start here. The building that they are currently in (picture), was Bruno's Resturaunt, which was a famous Italian eatery that was built in the 1960's to have a church feel (for some divine reason). Many people I have talked to in the congregation have commented that they use to come to Bruno's and felt that it should have been a church. Even the pillars in the sancturary have grapes on them (God had a plan for later).

The inside of the VCF Sanctuary Posted by Hello
New people to the church often say that they use to come here when it was a restuarant and think "boy this would make a great church."

Friday, April 01, 2005

Easter Sunrise at Santa Monica Beach

Easter was an amazing day here in California. It began for me at 4:30 am, when a friend and I had to "blaze" to the Santa Monica Beach to make it in time for the Easter Sunrise on the Santa Monica Beach, since It had to do the opening prayer. Good thing I was on Triumph T530 motorcycle. I think the police were asleep:) Even the dolphines joined us during the worship time. All creation wants to join in! It was good to see a community of 13 churches come together to worship Jesus!

God's Grace Emerging in Dark Places

Venice beach is know for being a melting pot of religious ideas. Also, it is where the fitness revolution started. On Easter, we baptized 16 people on Venice Beach. I was amazed as I saw testimonies of God's love infiltrating a place where palm readers make a living and religious spiritists rule. God broke in with amazing grace and revealed His light in the midst of it all.

The new believers we baptized Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Azusa Street Posted by Hello

I'm reading an awesome book on the Azusa Street Revival that happened in 1906. I picked the book up at the Anaheim Vineyard because it was suggested reading by Lance Pittluck, who is the senior pastor there. It has made me hungry for a move of God to come and empower His church like he did then. As I read the book, I can't help but think to myself, "I'm working way to hard to make things happen!" Anyway, I suddenly realized that Azusa Street is only a 20 minute drive from where I live. So I took the motorcycle that was loaned to me to use here (the best way to get around in L.A.), and I took a field trip to where it all happened. They say that the power of God was so strong during the revival, that people whould start to get under conviction as they approached within two blocks of the small mission building that they were meeting in. Often the meetings would start without a leader, and the message would come from kids, adults, and men as the Holy Spirit led the meetings. But those who tried to speak without God's approval would get tongue tied and would even pass out under the influence of the Spirit. Yep, I'm working way too hard!

A City with A View Posted by Hello

This is a view from Westside Pavilion in Santa Monica. One of the most amazing things about being here is the view. When the smog clears, this town is very beautiful. The reason that the film industry moved here was becasue of the diversity in the terrain. You can literally be swimming in the Pacific part of the day and then go for a hike in the Santa Monica Mountains just a few minutes later.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Hey Its Jay

Hey its Jay Posted by Hello

In January, I took a trip up to Malibu to a biker hangout called the Rock Store. As I was leaving I had a chance to talk to Jay Leno who was just hanging out with the guys showing off one of his "souped up"classic cars. You see movie stars out here all the time, but many times you don't recognize them, because they are wearing outfits that hide them very well.

Living Waters Conference

Living Waters Conference - Andy Comiskey and Myself Posted by Hello

On April 2nd, I was able to be a part of the last Living Waters Conference here in Los Angeles. Living Waters (or Desert Streams Ministries) was started by Andy Comiskey, who started the ministry 25 years ago to help those who are sexually and relationally broken. I have meet a great amount of people who have been delivered from sexual addiction and the homosexual lifestyle through this ministry. The conference was very energetic. A great sample of the power that has gone into it’s lifespan. Living Waters is now moving to Kansas City to be a part of the Kansas City Metro Church. Andy is seeking more connection with the I.H.O.P. movement to empower it with intercession. At the conference, I made a great connection with Jonathan Hunter and Dean Greer, who play a huge role in running the ministry. Another God connection!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A View from the Ocean - Santa Monica Posted by Hello

Another Ocean View - Santa Monica Posted by Hello

You honestly get tired of saying "boy its a nice day" or "wow, isn't that a beautiful view. Kind of wierd living in a place that is perfect in the geography and weather, but mixed with so much bad stuff. Maybe it is a good paradox that applies to our own lives.

Monday, March 28, 2005

He Makes the Way Posted by Hello

So why did I take a picture of these clouds you say? Well, I was walking home from a long day at the church one day, and I was complaining to God about being alone out here without my family. As soon as I looked up, I saw this hole in the sky. I felt that God was saying to me through it that "I will make the way for you."

My Apartment Posted by Hello

In case you are wondering what $600 gets you here in L.A. in the form of housing, well here it is? Here is my apartment, which is the size of a cheap hotel. I was told that this was a steal for $600. One of the problems here in L.A. is where do you put the 250,000 people that are moving in this area every year. The cost of the average home in this area is $500,000, and that is for a small 2 bedroom maybe 2 bath.